collage art journal page

Here’s How to Make your art journal personal and unique

Since art journaling is such a great way to express your creativity and learn some skills, it gives you the opportunity to make your art process more personal and unique.

So, in this blog post, I’ll show you the ways you can make your art journal more personal and unique. You can try all of them, or just some that speak to you.

textured art journal page

Texture in Art For Beginners: What Is It And How To Achieve It

Texture isn’t hard to achieve but there are some things you should learn in order to practice texture in art and create interesting work, whether on a canvas or in your art journal.

That’s why, in this article, I’ll walk you through the importance of texture, what it really is, how to achieve it, what tools to use, and how texture can evoke emotions.

hands dirty with paint

11 Ways to Overcome Creative Anxiety So You Can Create More Freely

Art involves many emotions, from the exhilaration of creating something you like and the disappointment when it doesn’t turn out according to plan. Aside from these variables, there’s another feeling you may be familiar with: anxiety. Here are 11 ways you can overcome creative anxiety effectively.


Why You Might Have Bad Handwriting In Your Art Journal (And How to Fix That)

One of the most common questions I receive from people who are just starting out with art journaling is, why is my handwriting so bad? Keep reading to discover why you might be struggling with bad handwriting and the ways in which you can overcome this in your art journaling.

painting terms glossary

100+ Painting Terms You’ll Ever Need – for Art Journal Beginners

If you’ve been “arting” for a while, or just starting out, you definitely came across many tutorials or texts that were using art terms you didn’t quite understand. Well, for those wondering what some of the painting terms are, you’ll find plenty of information in this article.