How to Make An Art Journal From Scratch: An Easy Step-By-Step Tutorial

How to Make An Art Journal From Scratch: An Easy Step-By-Step Tutorial

This DIY art journal is so easy to make you could create so many of them, over and over again. There are limitless ways of creating DIY books. However, sometimes all we really need in life is good old simplicity, right? Even when designing something simple, your inner artist gets happy giggles.

What Is The Point of An Art Journal? Discover All The Amazing Benefits

What Is The Point of An Art Journal? Discover All The Amazing Benefits

Have you always felt that being an artist is unreachable to you? I am sure that big blank canvas image in your head is pretty scary, right? Now, imagine the feeling of freedom and lack of fear when you create. Imagine endless possibilities to express your inner artistic voice with no boundaries. Well, art journaling makes that possible.